Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010: a year in review.

well 2010 has come and gone in a flash. i was once told in high school that time goes by the quickest when you are young, and i beg to differ. as i have gotten older i have realized that time goes by even faster as an adult and time really has become more precious. i hate saying that, but it's true.

this past year was a good year for me. i wouldn't say a great year, but it wasn't necessarily bad either. i was able to really do things for myself for once and it made me realize the things i want out of life and the things that i definitely don't want for myself. i have learned to grow with time and have overcome some large obstacles in my life i didnt think were ever possible. this new knowledge will help me in the future and i really look forward to what 2011 has to bring. some big decisions will be made, my life could potentially drastically change in the most positive way - and i can't wait. everything that has happened this far in my life has happened for a reason. i'm ready to step outside of my confined box and go with the flow.

some highlights from 2010 include a trip to new york, starting soccer again for the first time since graduation, taking the gmat & being done with it, zip lining & waterfall repelling in costa rica, seeing the rockettes, celebrating holidays with family, going to amazing music festivals & shows, improving my photography skills, and having more direction in life than i did a year ago.

2010 photo diary (in no order):

as i mentioned before, i have a feleing 2011 will be a big year for me and i truly look forward to it. hope everyone is safe on new year's eve & everyone has a wonderful new year!


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