Tuesday, November 30, 2010

renewing old.

so i was at my parents house for dinner and a movie this past weekend and it turns out i was able to come home with something other than the memories of a fabulous christmas movie, and a full stomach. before we started the movie, while mom was cooking dinner, for some odd reason, i decided to go through the old coat closet downstairs. i probably haven't even looked in there in 20 years, let alone think about it or even remember it really. but for some reason, on that very night, i was intrigued. and boy was i surprised.... and delighted to find these amazing vintage pieces from both mom & dad's collections. i immediately jumped to the faux fur 50's style jacket that my mom has, tried it on, fit like a glove. i was in heaven. this jacket was given to my mom from my dad's mother, and the chances of swooping that one were slim to none. i know for a fact she still wears this coat every winter. damn it. so i kept searching, just to see what other goodies were in there. sure enough, tucked away between other jackets and coats - low and behold - this chestnut colored leather jacket. the leather was buttery, it was in great condition, and i immediately put that bad boy on. now, when i say it fit like i glove, i mean it with this one. THIS was heaven. i wore it out to the kitchen, showed mom and dad and later came to find out that that this jacket belongs to my dad, who bought this priceless piece when he and my mom were in italy back in the 70's. does he wear it now? nope. have i ever seen him wear this magical piece? nope. done and done. i asked pops if i could steal and it and sure enough, i just got myself a 'new' brown, leather jacket for the upcoming winter season. couldn't be happier.

swoop! not only did i save myself a few hundred dollars and don't need to purchase a new one now, but the story behind the jacket tells all. happy wearing and many thanks pops!