Monday, November 1, 2010

halloween 2010.

halloween has quickly come and gone. sad to say it all went by so fast, but i had a blast celebrating this year. this was the first year that i dressed up for work - quickly threw something together which ended up totally working - thanks to some goodies from my roommate my nerd outfit was complete. then on saturday i went out in newport beach with a couple of the girls. i recycled one of my older outfits only because i was saving my ballerina costume for sunday's event: HARD halloween. the music was phenomenal, the dancing was outrageous, and everybody's costumes were great. good times were had by all, and here are some pics to recap the halloween weekend.

dress up fun @ work 10/29.
newport beach 10/30.
ran into the hulk.
the main event: HARD halloween. 3rd year in a row.

until next year when we can all dress up again..

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