Tuesday, January 25, 2011

reminder note.

so new year's resolutions haven't always been something that i have been keeping. i've often thought about them, but never really put into place. for 2011 (i know january is almost over...yes, i'm aware) but i am trying to stick to improving things for my personal self. i don't think i'll tell anyone, and i won't be punished if i don't follow them exactly, but just something to think always always in the back of my mind. and then i came across this hanni cuff. it reads "fear less, hope more. eat less, chew more. talk less, say more. hate less, love more. and all good things are yours" inscribed on the outside and pretty much those are key essentials that can really help to better 2011. or better life for that matter. things to focus on and be aware of.
you can buy it here.

that's all.

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