Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happy halloween.

happy halloween!

i hope everyone has a safe night tonight filled with friends, family, and lots of candy! for halloween inspiration and previous costume ideas, check out my old posts here and here.

in other news...
i know it's been a while since i've posted, but it's been a crazy summer and first part of fall.  this past summer was easily the best summer i've had.  i went to europe, went to a ton of shows, threw vegas in the mix a couple times, created new pieces for my etsy store, spent wonderful time with friends and family, went to disneyland... and i got engaged!  i've been so busy finishing up my last semester of school (woo!) and planning the wedding, so sorry for the lack of updates.  it's been crazy fun so far and i look forward to everything coming up.  tomorrow, november 1st, officially marks my favorite time of year - thanksgiving, my birthday, graduation, anniversary, christmas, new years!  i can't wait! more updates coming soon!

happy tears right after the proposal.

one of our engagement photos.

one of our vegas trips over summer. #front&center.

birthday c.lebrations.

some of the bridesmaids for jovian's wedding.

birthday celebrations at malibu wines.

some of my wonderful bridesmaids - missing a few though!


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