Saturday, June 9, 2012

hello scandinavia.

so sorry to all for being sooo MIA recently. this past semester completely took over my life and was swamped with school work right from the get-go. needless to say, i am soo thrilled that it's finally over. hellooooooooo summer break! and speaking of summer break... i'm in scaninavia for a travel course! basically it's an elective course visiting businesses in finland and sweden. we are here for 12 days and am currently on day 4. it's been crazy busy so far, but incredibly enjoyable! within this crazy schedule we visited the company who created the game angry birds, went to a bar that Anthony Bourdain highlighted in his episode of 'no reservations: finland' (Moscow bar), ate reindeer carpaccio, visited a church town with no running water (think - little house on the prairie or the amish country in PA), learned how bringing IKEA to scandinavia united several countries, traveled from finland into sweden, visited Vinter ad agency, experienced my first russian meal, and have truly absorbed the culture. i'm absolutely loving it here and can't wait for more!

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